School Sweaters

Tekiria General Suppliers LTD deals in quality SCHOOL SWEATERS and SCHOOL JERSEYS such as plain colour school sweaters, neck and hem 3 stripe school sweaters, double strip school sweaters, cuff sweaters and hem 3 stripe sweaters, single striped school sweaters, neck and hem 3 stripe half sweaters, plain jerseys, striped jerseys and half jerseys.

We stock pre-school, primary, intermediate or secondary school sweaters and a wide range of school uniform accessories all year round.

Why Choose our School Sweaters
• Highest quality and carefully designed and manufactured to meet the desired result
• Properly tailored and strengthened seams to stay smart for longer
• International expertise with customers across East African region
• Vastly experienced in school uniform designs to meet unique requirements
• Fairly and reasonably priced, making them affordable to all
• Smart identity that help to promote your school brand
• Wide range of school sweater in colour, size, quality, design and price

For a full range of good quality, durable and comfortable sweaters, we are the clear answer. Our sweaters will last, not fade and be vibrant for much longer. We can customise your school sweater with different colours, stripes, sizes and you can have your logo embroidered onto the sweater. For a full solution to school sweaters, look no further. Contact us now to create your own custom solution or visit our uniforms shop In Nairobi

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